matt corby

Interview with Matt Corby.

When I was in London on February, I interviewed Matt Corby. After a couple of months with a lot of classwork and busy times, and with a little help of my friend (thank you, samrosey!), I can finally sit down and publish this small collection of questions and answers of one of the most talented artists I’ve ever listened to.

This young Australian song-writter has a very promising musical career ahead. Currently working with Communion, Matt has published two EP, has played some shows around the U.K., was part of this year’s SXSW (Austin’s famous festival) and is now back in Australia, where he’ll spend the summer (or winter down there) playing small gigs in gardens, intimate shows where I’m sure his beautiful songs and amazing voice  will captivate all those present.

Here’s what we talked about after his performance at the Notting Hill Arts Club supporting Marcus Foster and Nathaniel Rateliff.

Read the interview here.

Kings, Queens, Beggars & Thieves.

Aprendemos a gatear, aprendemos a caminar, aprendemos a ir en bici, aprendemos a nadar, aprendemos a conducir motos, aprendemos a conducir coches, aprendemos cosas que no se olvidan. También aprendemos cosas que querríamos olvidar, y cosas que olvidamos sin querer y luego cuesta recordar. Creo que pasa lo mismo con las relaciones personales. Aprendemos siempre de todas y cada una de ellas, nos guste o no. Nos sorprendemos, nos sentimos dolidos, nos sentimos felices, nos sentimos nerviosos, pero no sentimos que estamos aprendiendo hasta que pasa algo que te haga analizar esa relación, o pasa mucho tiempo. Hoy estoy algo cansada de aprender. Creo que la vida tendría que venir con un manual de instrucciones, por eso de hacernos la existencia más fácil.

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”

“I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place every day. “

“Your successes and happiness are forgiven you only if you generously consent to share them.”

Albert Camus

We learn how to crawl, how to walk, how to ride a bicycle, how to swim, how to drive motorbikes, how to drive cars, we learn things that we never forget. We also learn things we would like to forget, and things we forget  unwillingly and are hard to remember afterwards. I think it’s the same with personal relationships. We learn from each and every one of them, even if we don’t want to. We can be surprised, we can feel hurt, happy, nervous, but we don’t feel as we are learning from them until a pivotal moment in the relationship when we stop and analyze it, or it’s been a long time since it ended. Today I’m tired of learning. I wish life came with an user guide, so it made our existence a bit easier.

#nowplaying: Kings, Queens, Beggars & Thieves by Matt Corby.